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Individual dresses, rompers, etc handmade for young children from Pickle and Dot

‘Washing Line’ baby’s yoke-top rompers Age 3-6 months * (Free P&P) £35

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‘Washing Line’ baby’s yoke-top rompers Age 3-6 months * (Free P&P) £35


Colourful lines of washing printed on this fabric making these cute rompers; ready to wear this summer either at home in the garden or helping to build that first sandcastle on holiday, wearing with or without a T-shirt. Lined with a vibrant red/pink check cotton and the legs edged with red binding elastic trim, plus popper fastenings at the back and legs for easy no-fuss dressing and undressing.

This can also be purchased with the mustard coloured jersey t-shirt


-          Items packaged in tissue paper and 100% recyclable postage bags

-          Despatched 1 / 2 working days by Royal Mail 48-hour tracked


Size and Care: *As we all know children vary in size and shape, so the measurements are:

Length shoulder to hem 41 cms / Width under arm 26 cms

Suggested age 3-6 months

Machine wash at 30°. Cool iron if necessary.


100% cotton printed with printed lines of washi ng in pink, red, white, yellow and pale grey

100% cotton red/pink check lining

Red bias binding cotton trim

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