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‘Toby Tugboat’ baby’s bib-top rompers Age 3-6 months * (Free P&P) £35


Individual dresses, rompers, etc handmade for young children from Pickle and Dot

‘Toby Tugboat’ baby’s bib-top rompers Age 3-6 months * (Free P&P) £35

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‘Toby Tugboat’ baby’s bib-top rompers Age 3-6 months * (Free P&P) £35


What great fun is this vividly printed cotton with waterside scenes of the tugboat with friendly dolphins, boats etc! Lined with colourful orange and white spot cotton, and yellow piped edging on bib front and legs, they also have popper fastenings at waist, straps and legs for easy no-fuss dressing and undressing.

Baby can wear it at home by the paddling pool in the garden, on shopping trips with mum, or on the beach building his/hers first sandcastle.


-          Items packaged in tissue paper and 100% recyclable postage bags

-          Despatched 1 / 2 working days by Royal Mail 48-hour tracked

Size and Care: *As we all know children vary in size and shape, so the measurements are:

Length shoulder to hem 43 cms / Width under arm 26 cms

Suggested age 3-6 months

Machine wash at 30°. Cool iron if necessary.


100% cotton printed in bright colours with water and waterside scenes

100% orange and white spot cotton lining

Yellow cotton bias binding trim

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