My Inspiration
Fabrics and other textile pieces are ‘My Inspiration’
As an obsessive collector of textiles, trimmings and everything related to them – in the form of remnants, ends of rolls etc, often from markets and other places, sometimes new garments in a sale taken apart and re-purposed - wherever I am; on holiday or otherwise, fabrics are complete nourishment to me. Their familiarity throughout my life starting with the textile surroundings of home, always brings me comfort in bad times, and excitement when I see a new piece I can’t resist. to keep.
Sadly now (if we look that is) we can see the resulting tsunami of waste from our over production of cheap clothing, mostly from the East littering the coasts and countries of West Africa and India among others, so through the re-purposing of these fabrics, trimmings and patterns I am inspired to make eclectic one-off garments for young children giving the fabrics the life for which they were produced.
Below is a sample of my collection of fabrics, trimmings etc; many used for garments already, and many in stock waiting to be made up, often in piles around my worktable because I just like looking at them and inevitably ideas about their use easily comes to mind.
Do take a look and feast your eyes - Judith…………………………..