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VINTAGE  ‘Blue Roses’ balloon hem party dress  Age 3-4 years (Free P&P) *£35


Individual dresses, rompers, etc handmade for young children from Pickle and Dot

VINTAGE ‘Blue Roses’ balloon hem party dress Age 3-4 years (Free P&P) *£35

Blue Roses front r w  bg rem.png
Blue Roses back rw.JPG
Pocket detail rw.JPG
Blue Roses lining rw.JPG
Blue Roses front r w  bg rem.png
Blue Roses back rw.JPG
Pocket detail rw.JPG
Blue Roses lining rw.JPG

VINTAGE ‘Blue Roses’ balloon hem party dress Age 3-4 years (Free P&P) *£35


Blue roses rampage across this Vintage ‘Blue Roses’ cotton fabric, made up in my balloon hem dress pattern, to look ready for a little girl to wear for a party, Christmas or any other special event.

As with many of my vintage fabrics the fabric is prewashed, as well as the lining etc. To ensure the ‘balloon bounce’ I have stabilised the main fabric with a plain white cotton (also prewashed), and the lining is a tiny red spotted cotton. The pockets are made from Vintage green gingham, and edged with an unusual multi-colour binding from my large collection, as well as the binding at neck and armholes. The back opening is finished off with a ribbon loop and vintage button. Again as usual I test wash a sample of all the fabrics at 30° as suggested on the care label.


-          Items packaged in tissue paper and 100% recyclable postage bags

-          Despatched 1 / 2 working days by Royal Mail 48-hour tracked

 Size and Care:  *As we all know children vary in size and shape, so the measurements are: 

Length shoulder to hem 52cms

Width across front under arm 30cms

Suggested age 3-4 years


All fabrics 100% vintage floral printed cotton

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