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'Taxi Mousey' Vintage fabric girl's pinafore dress age   3 years  £35


Individual dresses, rompers, etc handmade for young children from Pickle and Dot

'Taxi Mousey' Vintage fabric girl's pinafore dress age 3 years £35

Taxi Mousey front rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey top front rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey pocket detail rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey lining rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey back rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey front rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey top front rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey pocket detail rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey lining rw.jpg
Taxi Mousey back rw.jpg

'Taxi Mousey' Vintage fabric girl's pinafore dress age 3 years £35


Yet another dress in my ‘Curious Animals’ Applique Series . It is made from a lovely soft medium weight vintage corduroy. I had enough for 3 dresses and still have some left for next winter. It has a lining of multi-pinks / yellows spot cotton and pink bound hem plus 2 large soft pink buttons on the straps, the straps themselves with snap fasteners to enable easy on and off.

On the front is the large applique pocket with the picture of Taxi Mousey, cut from a large piece of rescued cotton printed with these Curious Animals in their motoring moods, and with the pocket bound in pink like the hem.

The dress can be worn with a long-sleeve T-shirt in cooler months and a short- sleeve T-shirt in warmer months. Its versatility means it can be worn every day - perhaps not at playgroup - visiting grandma, birthday parties and Christmas.


  • items are packaged in tissue paper and 100% recycliable postal bag

  • despatched 1 / 2 working days by Royal Mail 48-hour tracked

Size and Care:  *As we all know children vary in size and shape, so the measurements are: 

Length shoulder to hem 50 cms  / Width under arm 31 cms

Suggested age 3 years

Machine wash at 30°.  Cool iron if necessary.


100% vintage cotton corduroy

100% cotton multi-colour spots lining

100% cotton lilac/white spot binding

100% cotton applique pocket and lilac/white stripe cotton lining

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100% vintage cotton corduroy

100% multi-colour spots lining

100% cotton lilac/white spot binding

100% cotton applique pocket and lilac/white stripe cotton lining

Size and Care:  *As we all know children vary in size and shape, so the measurements are: 

Length shoulder to hem 50 cms  / Width under arm 31 cms

Suggested age 3 years

Machine wash at 30°.  Cool iron if necessary.