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Individual dresses, rompers, etc handmade for young children from Pickle and Dot

'Kit Kat 2' girl's pinafore dress age 2* (Free P&P) £35

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'Kit Kat 2' girl's pinafore dress age 2* (Free P&P) £35


A pretty, unusual and fun fabric printed with a variety of cats in various ‘disguises’ has been made into this one-of-a-kind girl’s pinafore dress. Fully lined with a pretty pink and lemon stripe cotton, it has a pretty soft pink velvet ribbon hem, (finished as a bow at centre back), and the neck edged with four felt wool rosettes with pearl centres, and an easy to use popper fastening inside.

The dress which can be worn as every day, for Christmas, or any other special occasion, and can be worn with a T-shirt and cardigan, and leggings or tights for cooler weather.


-          Items packaged in tissue paper and 100% recyclable postage bags

-          Despatched 1 / 2 working days by Royal Mail 48-hour tracked


Size and Care: *As we all know children vary in size and shape, so the measurements of this garment are:

Length shoulder to hem 46cms / Width under arm at front 30cms

Suggested Age 2

Machine wash 30°. Cool iron if necessary.


Multi-coloured 100% cotton cat print with pale grey background.

Pink/lemon stripe 100% cotton lining.

Narrow pink velvet ribbon trim hem, finished with bow detail at centre back.

4 coloured felt wool rosettes with pearl centre trim at dress top.

Easy to use popper fastening.

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